Product Recall Alert: BioFinest Wintergreen Essential Oil
Alert for our readers: there’s a small but important product recall for BioFinest Wintergreen Essential Oil.
The Child Safety Store Blog holds general child safety as our top priority. Besides teaching parents choking hazards or how to secure potentially dangerous toilet lids, we often share important product recall information. This typically refers to products that aren’t even for sale in our store. We just always want you to be aware of possible hazards in your home.
Today, let’s take a look at why the BioFinest Wintergreen Essential Oil is being voluntarily recalled and review some instructions for consumers.
Why was this item recalled?
BioFinest Wintergreen Essential Oil is being recalled due to a potential risk of poisoning. Before we go any further, we should mention that action was taken before any incidents or injuries were reported. Thankfully, BioFinest acted quickly to avoid any potential danger.
The reason for the product recall is that these bottles of BioFinest Wintergreen Essential Oil contain methyl salicylate. If swallowed by young children, this substance is poisonous. Combined with this, the bottles were also not child resistant. The company is working to fix the issue.
What to Do if You Own a Bottle of BioFinest Wintergreen Essential Oil
According to the official recall alert from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), anyone who owns an affected bottle of BioFinest Wintergreen Essential Oil should immediately store the product in a safe place. Ideally, this should be a space that is out of reach from children, such as a locked cabinet. Next, you should contact BioFinest for further instructions on how to dispose of the product and receive a full refund.
Here is the contact information:
BioFinest can be reached toll-free at 888-726-5171 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT Monday through Friday, via email at [email protected], or online at www.biofinest.com. (click on Recall for more information).
Additionally, BioFinest is contacting all known purchasers directly. That said, do not wait. Act immediately if you have children in harm’s way.
Recall Details from the CPSC
Name of product:
BioFinest Wintergreen Essential Oil
The product contains the substance methyl salicylate which must be in child resistant packaging as required by the Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA). The packaging of the product is not child resistant, posing a risk of poisoning if the contents are swallowed by young children.
Recall date:
April 23, 2020
About 20
Recall Description:
This recall involves 1/3 fl. oz (10 mL) and 3.3 fl. oz (100 mL) amber glass bottles with black caps of BioFinest Wintergreen Essential Oil. The 100 mL bottles include a dropper. The white label on the bottle displays the BioFinest logo, product name and the volume amount of the bottle. The UPC codes 759578392443 (10 mL) and 759578392436 (100 mL) are printed on the bottle’s label.
Consumers should immediately store the product in a safe location out of reach of children. Contact BioFinest for instructions on how to dispose of the product and receive a full refund. BioFinest is contacting all known purchasers directly.
None reported
Sold Exclusively At:
Online at Biofinest.com from July 2019 through December 2019 for about $11.